Revolution through evolution

Study finds less corruption in countries where more women are in government
Mother’s attitude to baby during pregnancy may have implications for child’s development
People who deeply grasp pain or happiness of others, process music differently in brain
The tarot revival thanks to Brexit, Trump and Dior
Better physical fitness and lower aortic stiffness key to slower brain aging
Adapting Lifestyle Habits Can Quickly Lower Blood Pressure
Ways to Help Someone Struggling with Thoughts of Suicide

Sleeping too much or not enough may have bad effects on health
One-third of US adults may unknowingly use medications that can cause depression
How to suck carbon dioxide from the sky for fuels and more
People recall information better through virtual reality
Lentils significantly reduce blood glucose levels
Early birds less prone to depression
Individual access to genomic disease risk factors has a beneficial impact on lifestyles
Microbe breaks ‘universal’ DNA rule by using two different translations
Are Birth Mothers Satisfied with Their Decisions to Place Children for Adoption? Time Will Tell, Study Says
Is it Alzheimer’s? Maybe not. Three treatable conditions can cause memory loss
Criticism From Parents Affects How Children’s Brains Respond to Emotional Information
Scientists Identify Foods that Fight Disease
New Research Reveals Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet
Fathers’ early parenting quality affected by mothers
More Harm Than Good: Assessing the Nuclear Arsenal Tipping Point
One thing you’ll find in the obits of many long-living people
Financial Literacy Linked to Lower Hospitalization Risk in Older Adults
New Study Shows Human Activity Creates a More Nocturnal Animal World

3 thoughts on “Revolution through evolution”

  1. tenho reflectido bastante sobre a problemática do suicídio e cheguei a uma conclusão que talvez pudesse ser estudada: acabar com a vida é um forte indício, não de falta de amor próprio, da falta de amor pelos outros – uma espécie de narcisismo no seu expoente máximo. um paradoxo.

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