Revolution through evolution

Gender parity is not inevitable and deliberate intervention may be required
Rutgers Researchers Define the Emotional Bond Forced onto Adolescent Victims of Sex Trafficking
Poverty leaves a mark on our genes
Entitlement and Effectiveness: How Upbringing Affects Leaders
Just 20 minutes of contact with nature will lower stress hormone levels, reveals new study
The whisper room: Moderates on Twitter are losing their voice
Countries that help working class students get into university have happier citizens

Team performance relies on early expectations
‘Molecular surgery’ reshapes living tissue with electricity but no incisions
Gorillas gather around and groom their dead
Pets help older adults cope with health issues, get active and connect with others
Like old photographs, memories fade over time
Q&A With UK Sport Psychologist Marc Cormier: What it Takes to ‘Win it All’
How the brain finds meaning in metaphor
Researchers have invented a quieter airplane toilet
Associating colors with vowels? Almost all of us do!
Children should help choose the charities their schools and families support
To keep the creative juices flowing, employees should be receptive to criticism
All brisk walking, even short walks, help prevent disability in older adults with osteoarthritis
Preventing toxic work environments through ethical leadership
Screen time – even before bed – has little impact on teen well-being
Sure, Captain Marvel is tough – but look out for Li’l Tomboy
Study Finds These Furry Friends Calm Kids in the Hospital
People with obesity often ‘dehumanized,’ study finds

2 thoughts on “Revolution through evolution”

  1. É claro que “Gender parity is not inevitable”, mas daí não decorre que ” intervention may be required”. Para que querem forçar a “gender parity” em todo o lado? Que sentido faz isso? As mulheres são diferentes dos homens e têm gostos e capacidades diferentes. É normal que algumas profissões sejam dominadas por homens, outas por mulheres. Intervenção será talvez conveniente nalguns casos, mas sempre com muita prudência, pois pode fazer mais mal que bem.

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