Revolution through evolution

Frequent travel could make you 7% happier
Looking forwards rather than backwards safeguards wellbeing during Covid-19 lockdowns
Benefits of Different Types of Exercise for Longevity in the U.S.
Danish and Chinese tongues taste broccoli and chocolate differently
Seeing Multiple Forecasts in Verbal Rather than Numerical Form Causes People to Make More Confident Predictions of Outcome
Why buying some conceptual art is like “owning nothingness”
An Avalanche of Violence: New Analysis Reveals Predictable Patterns in Armed Conflicts
Link between dietary fiber and depression partially explained by gut-brain interactions
Which came first, sleep or the brain?
How ‘Iron Man’ bacteria could help protect the environment
How to Motivate People to Follow Necessary Restrictions: 13 Principles for Effective COVID-19 Related Communication
Back to basics: Researchers find simple exercises are a practical, time-efficient way to boost fitness
How Large Are Neutron Stars?
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy affects self-criticism and self-assurance in individuals with depression
For the Right Employees, Even Standard Information Technology Can Spur Creativity
Sports Fandom Serves Several Purposes, Buffalo State Psych Professor Says
Discovery of 2-Million-Year-Old Stone Tools in East Africa Reveal Early Humans Could Make Plans and Adapt to Environmental Change
Viewing the Human Body as a Machine in an Effort to Promote Health Turns Out to Be Not Healthy
Bacteria can tell the time
Including unhealthy foods may diminish positive effects of an otherwise healthy diet
Seasonal Affective Disorder: Seven tips for coping with the ‘winter blues’
Beating the Bulge with a Nice Cup of Tea
Mediterranean Diet May Decrease Risk of Prostate Cancer Progression for Men on Active Surveillance

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