Um em português, do qual destaco uma passagem:
“Quanto mais dúvidas surgem sobre a permanência da Grécia na Zona Euro, menos o Estado alemão gasta pela dívida que emite. Quanto maior o receio de que Espanha venha a precisar de assistência financeira para capitalizar os bancos, mais barato se financiam as grandes empresas alemãs.”
Outro em inglês, do qual destaco também uma passagem (o bold é meu):
“There is, in fact, plenty of historical evidence that the most effective way to cut deficits is to combine deficit reduction with rapid economic growth, which generates more revenue. The huge deficits after World War II largely disappeared with fast economic growth, and something similar happened during Bill Clinton’s presidency. The much praised reduction of the Swedish budget deficit from 1994 to 1998 occurred alongside fairly rapid growth. In contrast, European countries today are being asked to cut their deficits while remaining trapped in zero or negative economic growth.
“There are surely lessons here from John Maynard Keynes, who understood that the state and the market are interdependent. But Keynes had little to say about social justice, including the political commitments with which Europe emerged after World War II. These led to the birth of the modern welfare state and national health services — not to support a market economy but to protect human well-being.”