Revolution through evolution

Girls aged five worry about their body image, say MPs
Exercise and a Healthy Diet of Fruits and Vegetables Extends Life Expectancy in Women in Their 70s
The Special Scent of Age: Body Odor Gives Away Age
Female Choice Key to Evolutionary Shift to Modern Family
Men’s Offices Harbor More Bacteria Than Women’s
Researchers Say Tart Cherries Have ‘the Highest Anti-Inflammatory Content of Any Food’
The Science of Re-Runs: Why We Watch Our Favorite Episode of a TV Show, or Listen to a Favorite Song, Over and Over Again
Sex: It’s a Good Thing
Four Telltale Signs of Propaganda on Twitter

2 thoughts on “Revolution through evolution”

  1. Just to alert:

    the link for “The Special scent of Age: Body odor gives away age” shows us the “Earliest Musical Instruments in Europe 40,000 Years Ago”

    Loved ‘the female choice’ , the cherries and Sex as a GOOD THING!!! :)

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