Our faces reveal whether we’re rich or poor
Surprising trend in extramarital sex in America
Self-driving cars may soon be able to make moral and ethical decisions as humans do
Smelling your food makes you fat
Who’ll win at Wimbledon? Just listen to the pitch of the grunts
Computer that reads body language
Vegetable coloring agent lutein may suppress inflammation
Vitamin D may improve sunburn, according to new clinical trial
Long-term sexual intimidation may be widespread in primate societies
What’s in a Name? Big Data Approach Reveals Distinctive Patterns in Higher Education Systems
Trump Supporters Believe U.S. Society Is Fair
Why Some Mannequins Are Turning Blue, Taking a Dive and Putting on Weight
Motivating with Meaningless Numbers
que é isso de dares um ponto na boca para não engordares? tapa mas é o nariz, carago! :-)