Revolution through evolution

Romantic kissing is not the norm in most cultures
Increasing the number of female speakers at a scientific conference can be done relatively quickly
Study Reveals Latest Evidence that Prejudice Causes the Perception of Threat – and Suggests that Threat Can Be Used to Justify Actions that Result from Prejudice
Want to boost your toddler’s development? Put a toy chicken on your head
Frequent travel is damaging to health and wellbeing, according to new study
Could Body Posture During Sleep Affect How Your Brain Clears Waste?
Communities with Beautiful Scenery, Weather Have Lower Rates of Religious Affiliation


How emotions influence learning and memory processes in the brain
Genders differ dramatically in evolved mate preferences
Punishing a child is effective if done correctly
Character Traits Outweigh Material Benefits in Assessing Value Others Bring to Us
When new parents become unhappy, brothers and sisters become less likely
Study: Women Hurt More by Breakups but Recover More Fully

One thought on “Revolution through evolution”

  1. o mundo civilizado: a emoção do primeiro encontro marca para sempre – enquanto ela prefere homens mais velhos e com conta bancária recheada, ele deseja-as mais novas e atraentes. um beijo de língua sela a atracção que se desenrola comprovando-se a boa higiene oral. depois vem o sono lateral para prevenir a demência.

    entretanto os não civilizados partem para o coito sem saberem de onde vêm e para onde vão – dispensando a troca de fluidos da boca. a demência nem sequer lhes passa pela cabeça e tentam preservar-se sãos do corpinho nu que lhes garante a sobrevivência.

    ah! :-)

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