Women Get the Same Exercise Benefits As Men, But With Less Effort
Chronic stress spreads cancer… here’s how
A cousin to the Mediterranean diet: The Atlantic diet explained
Fasting-like diet lowers risk factors for disease, reduces biological age in humans
Eating too much protein is bad for your arteries, and this amino acid is to blame
Scientists can tell where a mouse is looking and located based on its neural activity
Real-time wearable human emotion recognition technology developed
Did neanderthals use glue? Researchers find evidence that sticks
Sleep improves ability to recall complex events
Smiling is the secret to seeing happiness, new research reveals
Self-monitoring improves physical activity of care-needing elderly
Expressing Workplace Anger: Not the Way to Get Ahead
New study finds anti-piracy messages backfire, especially for men
Time watching videos may stunt toddler language development, but it depends on why they’re watching
Diesel Exhaust May Harm Immune System, Trigger Inflammation
Doctors discusses recent study about blood pressure and its impacts on heart attacks and strokes
Combination of group competition and repeated interactions promotes cooperation
e que tal este?
Smiling is the secret to seeing happiness, new research reveals ??????
omg , a ciência esquizofrénica. custa a acreditar nisto.. aparentar felicidade ? ó pá , tomem o “soma” do huxley.
mmmais um com muita relevância
devia beber mais vodka , para impedir a formação de coágulos. coitado do putin , agora até mata de causas naturais.