Revolution through evolution

Apology psychology: Breaking gender stereotypes leads to more effective communication
Having a bad boss makes you a worse employee
Neanderthals were the world’s first artists, research reveals
20 minutes of exercise can boost your brain after a bad night’s sleep
Mice eating less of specific amino acid — overrepresented in diet of obese people — live longer, healthier
Mental health of surfers creates US$1trillion wave for economy
Cognitive ability mattered in the UK’s vote for Brexit, University of Bath research shows

How do we learn? Neuroscientists pinpoint how memories are likely to be stored in the brain
‘Woman the hunter’: Studies aim to correct history
Making sense of bacterial Babel
Eye movements can be decoded by the sounds they generate in the ear
New tool to enable exploration of human-environment interactions
AI: Researchers develop automatic text recognition for ancient cuneiform tablets
The bilingual brain may be better at ignoring irrelevant information

One thought on “Revolution through evolution”

  1. Querer o Conhecimento para quê?
    Para se tentar a todo o custo continuar a ser o que se é? Continuar a ser-se um corpo macaco hominídeo feito de vísceras e nervos?
    Ou para se tentar ser uma nova espécie, que evolui para uma condição pós-humana?
    Que uso se decide fazer com o Conhecimento?
    O que é, nesta escolha e decisão, o «mal» e o «bem», o «correcto» e o «incorrecto»?

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