Revolution through evolution

Parental leave for fathers can reduce sexist attitudes and gender bias
Some Mental Issues Are Best Treated With Exercise
Exercise releases chemical signals that boost brain health
Study links nutrients, brain structure, cognition in healthy aging
Small acts of kindness are frequent and universal, study finds
ProSocial World: How the principles of evolution can create lasting global change
Why people include themselves in photos

Obstetricians more emotionally stable than most
Circumstances influence happiness as much as personality
Nanowire networks learn and remember like a human brain
Passive Stretch before Cardio Protects Blood Vessel Health
Sauna Treatment Lowers Blood Pressure, Improves Vascular Health
Reducing fatigue and errors among nurses working night shifts
Long-term research on chimpanzees offers new clues to the puzzle of personality
GW Study Explores Human Cultural Learning and Evolution
Are Socially Conscientious CEO’s Better Leaders?
Smartphones Negatively Impact Mental Health

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