Revolution through evolution

Lucid dying: Patients recall death experiences during CPR
10 Best Strategies for Helping a Loved One with Alzheimer’s Disease
Is weakness the new smoking? Muscle strength tied to biological age, study shows
Ultraprocessed foods linked to premature deaths
Highly processed foods can be considered addictive like tobacco products
Crossword puzzles beat computer video games in slowing memory loss
Was I Happy Then? Our Current Feelings Can Interfere with Memories of Past Well-Being

Automatic speaker recognition technology outperforms human listeners in the courtroom
Nazi propaganda from 1927-1945 reveals role of dehumanization of Jews in the Holocaust
Rats bop to the beat
Violence on TV: The Effects Can Stretch From Age 3 Into the Teens
New Research Suggests Political Events Impact Sleep
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Is as Effective as an Antidepressant Drug for Treating Anxiety Disorders
Want to fire up the dance floor? Play low-frequency bass
In the latest human vs. machine match, artificial intelligence wins by a hair
Octopuses caught on video throwing silt and shells around themselves and at each other
First sentence ever written in Canaanite language discovered: Plea to eradicate beard lice
Green Tea and Resveratrol Reduce Alzheimer’s Plaques in Lab Tests
Inducing brain-like sleep in an artificial spiking neural network helps it to keep learning without “catastrophic forgetting”

4 thoughts on “Revolution through evolution”

  1. por isso é que se chama ao sono a pequena morte, no sono há a desinibição total do cérebro, os pesquisadores não se lembram disto, carago, assim poderiam estudar melhor a morte nos vivos sem terem de morrer acordados. dah

  2. mas, quer dizer, as pessoas não estão sempre felizes, feliz não é um nome caracterizante. e, depois, faz muito sentido que a forma como nos sentimos agora influencia o pensamento de como nos lembramos do que sentimos lá atrás. percebi nadinha

  3. passo baton nos lábios
    é o cieiro que me chama
    arrebitado e quentinho
    depois de andar a encostá-los um no outro
    essas margens que os dentes separam
    os meus lábios que se molham de Ri

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