Children who experienced compassionate parenting were more generous than peers
Diet modifications – including more wine and cheese – may help reduce cognitive decline, study suggests
Test your heart health by climbing stairs
A study predicts smooth interaction between humans and robots
What makes hard workouts so effective
The Smellicopter is an obstacle-avoiding drone that uses a live moth antenna to seek out smells
Undocumented immigrants far less likely to commit crimes in U.S. than citizens
Research provides tools for achieving the ‘how’ of well-being in daily life
Focus on human factor in designing systems
I see you: Honey bees use contagious and honest visual signal to deter attacking hornets
A simple rule drives the evolution of useless complexity
Neanderthals buried their dead: New evidence
Gut microbiota plays a role in brain function and mood regulation
More Joy, Less Stress: Coping With Cancer through the Holiday Season
New Report Sets Out Principles to Reduce Child Sexual Assault Risk in Youth Group Settings
A surgeon’s birthday may be a dicey day for older patients