Revolution through evolution

Romantic partners influence each other’s goals
Sex differences in health and disease
Phone calls create stronger bonds than text-based communications
Strong and Fit Older Adults Have Younger, Less Stiff Arteries
How Laughter Can Help Your Heart
Study: Without Right Messaging, Masks Could Lead to More COVID-19 Spread
Feeling misunderstood boosts support for Brexit
‘Wild West’ mentality lingers in modern populations of US mountain regions
Biological roots for teen risk-taking: Uneven brain growth
Baboon matriarchs enjoy less stress
Unconscious learning underlies belief in God, study suggests
Quantum thermometer using nanodiamonds senses a ‘fever’ in tiny worms C. elegans
Producing leather-like materials from fungi
Betrayal or Cooperation? Analytical Investigation of Behavior Drivers
Exercise Improves Video Gaming
The Marshmallow Test Revisited
For Job Seekers with Disabilities, Soft Skills Don’t Impress in Early Interviews
High literacy rate among military in late biblical kingdom of Judah
Exercise in Type 2 Diabetes: Does the Dose of Exercise Matter?
Colors evoke similar feelings around the world
Pillemer: Family estrangement a problem ‘hiding in plain sight’
Practice Does Not Necessarily Make Perfect When It Comes to Creativity

One thought on “Revolution through evolution”

  1. Study: Without Right Messaging, Masks Could Lead to More COVID-19 Spread

    Este título confunde, como é habitual, um vírus (o SARS-COV-2) com uma doença por ele (muito raramente) provocada (a COVID-19). É preciso reconhecer que a expansão do vírus não significa nem implica expansão da doença, dado que muito poucas das pessoas infetadas pelo vírus ficam doentes. Pelo que, não deveria ser motivo de grande esforço procurar impedir a expansão do vírus.

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