Experiencing childhood trauma makes body and brain age faster
Placebos prove powerful… even when people know they’re taking one
To bond with nature, kids need solitary activities outdoors
Lava tubes on Mars and the Moon are so wide they can host planetary bases
The News Junkies of the Eighteenth Century
Whiteness of AI erases people of colour from our ‘imagined futures’, researchers argue
Journalists’ Twitter use shows them talking within smaller bubbles
Authors’ ‘invisible’ words reveal blueprint for storytelling
DNA from an ancient, unidentified ancestor was passed down to humans living today
The Surgeons Who Said No to Gloves
This Is How They Wiped Themselves in Ancient Rome
Socially Sanctioned Love Triangles of Romantic-Era Italy
Management gender diversity essential in adversity
Higher BMI is linked to decreased cerebral blood flow, which is associated with increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease and mental illness