Revolution through evolution

Women and men still choose partners like they used to
Study shows how caring responsibilities affect health and restrict ability to work
Sedentary behavior independently predicts cancer mortality
What it means when animals have beliefs
Blaming People for Getting Sick Has a Long History
Leveraging Uncertainty During The Pandemic: Lessons From Expert Entrepreneurs
As many as six billion Earth-like planets in our galaxy, according to new estimates
Multi-ethnic study suggests vitamin K may offer protective health benefits in older age
New light shed on intelligent life existing across the galaxy
Mindfulness combined with hypnotherapy aids highly stressed people, study finds
‘Moral Stress’ A Malady Afflicting Health Care Workers during Pandemic
Less sleep reduces positive feelings
Claiming Journalism Is ‘Fake News’ May Satisfy a Personal Need for an Orderly World
What do ‘Bohemian Rhapsody,’ ‘Macbeth,’ and a list of Facebook friends all have in common?
Not smoking and being socially active keys to longevity
Cash Me Outside: Transfers to the Poor Linked to Eco-Benefits

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