Men and Women Live Longer in Countries with Higher Gender Parity
For anxious spouses, a baby may be a rival
Bees recognize that six is more than four
Caffeine boosts problem-solving ability but not creativity, study indicates
Unwanted behavior in dogs is common, with great variance between breeds
Computer science professor developing app to help people with intellectual disabilities report abuse
Don’t blame the messenger – unless it’s all stats and no story
This wearable device camouflages its wearer no matter the weather
By observing humans, robots learn to perform complex tasks, such as setting a table
Is life a game of chance?
Research Finds Bias Against Job Candidates Motivated by Pay, Benefits
In U.S., changing self-concept can lower well-being
Professor works to preserve endangered Ladino language
Social Studies Teachers Not “Above the Fray” in Linking Their Political Views to How They Assess News Source Credibility
Knoop explores economic inequality in new book
The Complex Biology Behind Your Love (or Hatred) of Coffee