Hunger, impulsivity, childhood trauma, and drinking contribute to intimate partner violence
Ageism reduced by education, intergenerational contact
Older adults can serve communities as engines of everyday innovation
Keeping active or becoming more active in middle and older age linked to longer life
Music students do better in school than non-musical peers
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Professors need to be entertaining to prevent students from watching YouTube in class
What journalism professors are teaching students – about their futures
How octopus arms make decisions
Could coffee be the secret to fighting obesity?
Injury More Likely Due to Abuse When Child Was With Male Caregiver
‘Mystical’ Psychedelic Compound Found in Normal Brains
Sea slugs use algae’s bacterial ‘weapons factory’ in three-way symbiotic relationship
The first AI universe sim is fast and accurate and its creators don’t know how it works
Researchers review 200 years of non-human primate ‘comparative thanatology’
Found: A sweet way to make everyday things almost indestructible
Heart Risk Raised By Sitting in Front of the TV, Not By Sitting at Work, Finds Study
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Can Facebook improve your mental health?
Hunger […] contribute[s] to intimate partner violence
Pois, as pessoas muitas vezes não reparam nesta básica realidade, que a fome (mesmo que puramente temporária) põe as pessoas agressivas.
Primo Levi em Se isto é um homem escreve que, retrospetivamente, atribui grande parte das discussões constantes entre os prisioneiros no campo de Auschwitz ao facto de todos estarem esfomeados.