Revolution through evolution

What Women Want– How Personal Desire Impacts Pressure for Sex
When it comes to our brains, there’s no such thing as normal
Punishing a wrongdoer more rewarding to brain than supporting a victim
Low-fat or low-carb? It’s a draw, study finds
Mind-reading algorithm uses EEG data to reconstruct images based on what we perceive
Einstein’s equations allow a non-determinist future inside some black holes
Want a Great Employee? Hire a Liberal Arts Major

Wine polyphenols could fend off bacteria that cause cavities and gum disease
Color of judo uniform has no effect on winning
Fancy A Jellyfish Chip?
Hitting Rock Bottom After Job Loss Can Be Beneficial, Study Shows
Psychopathic Employees Thrive Under Abusive Supervisors, Study Finds
Perceptions about God Make Democrats More Conservative and Republicans More Liberal — But in Different Ways
Book Looks at How 2016 Election Changed the Rules of Political Communication
Violent Video Games May Serve as an Outlet for Aggression, Not a Precursor, Says Virginia Tech Expert
Social media users who post a high percentage of selfies have lower perceived likability, study shows
Medical care for wounded ants

One thought on “Revolution through evolution”

  1. low fat.. .tão bom pão ( com azeite e mel) massa arroz batata ( cozida assada ou puré , fritas nem vê-las) , tão mau o mito de que engordam.

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