Revolution through evolution

British austerity policies lie at heart of soaring homelessness and related health harms, argue experts
How can voters find a candidate “authentically appealing” even though to many that candidate appears to be a “lying demagogue”?
Alumni From Britain’s Top Private Schools Are 94 Times More Likely to Reach Elite Positions
We view ourselves and those we care about through ‘rose-tinted glasses’, study says
Why do we trust, or not trust, strangers? The answer is Pavlovian
Computer reads brain activity to find out the music each person is listening to
Can your brain testify against you?

Study illustrates how similar neural responses predict friendships
Language is learned in brain circuits that predate humans
Norway rats trade different commodities
How dice changed over 2,000 years to be more fair
In wine, there’s health: Low levels of alcohol good for the brain
Some investors buy suspect stocks for the thrill of it, even when they know better
Good Deeds May Be an Antidote to Daily Diet of Distressing Headlines
What Happens to Language as Populations Grow? It Simplifies, Say Researchers
Dishonest Individuals Perceived as Less Capable
Pictures Move People More than Words
Disclosing Weaknesses Can Undermine Some Workplace Relationships
Empathetic Experiences Lead to a Bias in Our Judgment of the Strength of Others’ Emotions
Standing Several Hours a Day Could Help You Lose Weight, Mayo Clinic Research Finds
Belief in Conspiracy Theories Associated with Vaccine Skepticism

4 thoughts on “Revolution through evolution”

  1. mesmo sério que era preciso um estudo científico para comfirmar que “quem feio ama, bonito lhe parece ” ? óculos cor de rosa patati patata ? a malta antiga poupava imensos recursos ,sem dúvida. o desperdício de tempo e dinheiro da ciência de caracaca deve atingir números estratosféricos e aqui a malta a pagar os subsidios sem bufar.

  2. contágio do boato é tal e qual o do bocejo, ah! :-)

    por que raios e coriscos custa tanto aos investigadores admitirem que além do código moral mental há aquela coisa que nos faz aproximar ou afastar dos estranhos que se chama intuição?

  3. outra perda de tempo a cenita de uma imagem valer mais que mil palavras. mas estes estudos são mesmo pagos ? deviam pagar , mas era , para a gente tresler.

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