Revolution through evolution

Women Get Less Credit Than Men in the Workplace
Common psychological traits in group of Italians aged 90 to 101
How social networking keeps people healthy
Disagreements can be a healthy antidote for biases
Are societies more or less violent today than they were thousands of years ago?
Action games expand the brain’s cognitive abilities, study suggests
New research shows that blurring the boundaries between work and personal life can lead to exhaustion

Eating together as a family helps children feel better, physically and mentally
CSAIL system shows that traffic would flow faster if drivers kept an equal distance between cars
Humans can feel molecular differences between nearly identical surfaces
Bosses who ‘phone snub’ their employees risk losing trust, engagement
Mayo Clinic Study Finds Emojis Promising Tool for Tracking Cancer Patients’ Quality of Life
Holiday Loneliness Can Be Harmful to Seniors’ Health
Your Mood Depends on the Food You Eat, and What You Should Eat Changes as You Get Older
Video Game Improves Doctors’ Recognition and Triage of Severe Trauma Patients

One thought on “Revolution through evolution”

  1. este é o estudo mais estúpido que alguma vez li. a começar pela indefinição de violência que, obviamente, não se reduz a luta armada, passando pelos pressupostos – nº de combatentes e de vítimas – e acabando nas conclusões tão triviais. que carago de lugar-comum.

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