Revolution through evolution

Absentee Dads affect how women interpret interest from men
Why arched backs are attractive
Close Friends Linked to a Sharper Memory
Less fat, more hair and younger skin: Study in mice shows benefits from calorie-restricted diet
It’s mathematically impossible to beat aging, scientists say
Do animals think rationally?
Horses can read our body language even when they don’t know us

Several reasons why whole grains are healthy
Consumers may not recognize costs, consequences of demand for ‘clean’ food
Young bats learn bat ‘dialects’ from their nestmates
Little-known fruits contain powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant agents
Aliens may be more like us than we think
Luck plays a role in how language evolves, team finds
Colon cancer breakthrough could lead to prevention – and the foods that can help
Rise of populism affects wildlife management in US
FSU Researcher: Modern Civilization Doesn’t Diminish Violence
Innovation at the University of Haifa: Students Learn About Fake News
Women CEOs More Likely to be Targeted by Activist Shareholders
Lose Fat, Preserve Muscle: Weight Training Beats Cardio for Older Adults
Bonding benefits of breastfeeding extend years beyond infancy
Childhood spankings can lead to adult mental health problems

3 thoughts on “Revolution through evolution”

  1. o Homem é um básico do caraças: está convencidíssimo de que os outros animais, só porque não exploram a semiótica, não pensam; e ainda se convence mais de que outros vizinhos de planetas não-terra possam ser criaturas execráveis. ególatra da merda. :-)

  2. pois é , a adopção por pares de pessoas vai trazer grandes confusões e problemas ao èdipo e à electra. mas , pronto , daqui por 300 anos , se a coisa não morrer de podre depressa , teremos novidades em termos de tragédia grega .

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