Learning and staying in shape key to longer lifespan, study finds
How we determine who’s to blame
Want to control your dreams? Here’s how you can
What training exercise boosts brain power best? New research finds out
Filling the early universe with knots can explain why the world is three-dimensional
The best hedge fund managers are not psychopaths or narcissists, according to new study
Giving a Voice to Mental Illness
On-and-off fasting helps fight obesity, study finds
Be concerned about how apps collect, share health data, expert says
Three million Americans carry loaded handguns daily, study finds
Prozac in ocean water a possible threat to sea life
Inpatient Satisfaction Improved by Five-Minute Intervention, Study Finds
People who rely on social media encounter more rumors, report greater distress
Does Faculty Productivity Really Decline with Age?
Supervisor Support Critical to Employee Well-Being and Workforce Readiness
Disney and Pixar Films Present Opportunities for Parents to Discuss End-of-Life with Children
Three Things: What Is Impact Investing?
ah! o PNL aplicado aos sonhos ou, melhor, à vontade de sonhar. se por um lado pode ajudar a curar patologias relacionadas com o sono por outro, e é nessa que estou egoistamente a pensar, acaba com o mistério do que é sonhar de olhos fechados. mas o que é isto!, viva o mistério! :-)
ah! isso é dar ideias maradas aos pescadores. e se começam a descarregar fluoxetina no mar para os peixes nadarem a maomé?