Why Do People in New Democracies Stop Voting?
Are You Happy You Voted – or Didn’t?
People Think Harder and Produce Better Political Arguments When Their Views Are Challenged, Study Shows
Household chores: Women still do more
Do You Really Need That MRI?
Abusive Bosses Experience Short-Lived Benefits
The 10 Critical Job Skills of the Future, According to McKinsey’s Global Chief Learning Officer
Fish have surprisingly complex personalities
For a better ‘I,’ there needs to be a supportive ‘we’
Being in a good mood for your flu jab boosts its effectiveness
Group project? Taking turns, working with friends may improve grades
Older drivers adapt their thinking to improve road hazard detection
Pigeons better at multitasking than humans
Bacterial nanosized speargun works like a power drill
Beer can lift your spirits due to malted barley ingredient
Frequent sauna bathing keeps blood pressure in check
Chimpanzees can learn how to use tools without observing others
Physical abuse and punishment impact children’s academic performance
School, Health and Behavior Suffer When Children Have TV, Video Games in Bedroom
Goodbye, Login. Hello, Heart Scan.
Child abuse affects brain wiring
Video gamers have an advantage in learning
a ideia de que é no coração que está o secretismo é maravilhosa – uma ideia reforçada na interacção homem-máquina. fixe!
às tantas, podemos explicar a abstenção de domingo pelo calor com feijoada. :-)
e se no futuro as competências laborais forem o que já se pensa serem no presente? isso quer dizer que pode haver um futuro passado? e quem vai reparar? há uma espécie de epistemologia. pês sem fim.