Women less likely to hold academic medical leadership roles than men with mustaches
Study Reports Childhood Family Breakups Harder on Girls’ Health
Don’t put off discussions about death and dying, says family relations expert
Helping others dampens effects of everyday stress
Computing with time travel?
Gerontologist offers suggestions for families coping with dementia
Is Evolution More Intelligent Than We Thought?
Dogs give friends food
Narcissism, the seed of violence from children towards their parents
We infer a speaker’s social identity from subtle linguistic cues
Beyond early adversity: A multidimensional approach linking early experiences to successful aging
New evidence of tool use discovered in parrots
Stress in Older People Increases Risk for Pre-Alzheimer’s Condition
Forgetfulness or Alzheimer’s? How to Tell the Difference When Visiting Elderly Loved Ones This Holiday Season
10 Cool Things the Kitchen of the Future Will Do
In US, poverty dampens genetic influence on IQ
ouve-se por aí dizer que tem medo deve ter um cão. acrescente-se: medo, coragem, alegria, saudade, tristeza, euforia e tudo o mais que se possa sentir. um cão é um sentir, conversor, aumentado em emoções positivas. :-)
ruf! ruf!, rabo a abanar e orelhinhas espertas com nariz gelado. :-)