Revolution through evolution

Business culture in banking industry favors dishonest behavior
Gifted Men and Women Define Success Differently, 40-Year Study Finds
Rejecting unsuitable suitors is easier said than done
Fathers’ Engagement with Baby Depends on Mother
A new test measures analytical thinking linked to depression, fueling the idea that depression may be a form of adaptation
From Architect to Social Worker: Complex Jobs May Protect Memory and Thinking Later in Life
Musicians show advantages in long-term memory


Fatigue, Irritability, and Demoralization Can Affect Your Heart Health
Imagination, Reality Flow in Opposite Directions in the Brain
Entitlement Boosts Creativity
New Study: Jogging Keeps You Young
Theater arts research offers insight for designers, builders of social robots
The surprising benefits of doing nothing

3 thoughts on “Revolution through evolution”

  1. Foi morto,quando tentava evadir-se… Ah,que os velhos métodos sempre retornam,mas não nos enganam… Tão apelativos,para os doentes…
    Usemos a sabedoria que torna risível o gesticular da canalha.

  2. estava a pensar, enquanto navegava pelas autoestradas da imaginação e da memória e da criatividade, que oxalá – um desejo cheiinho de força – não se lembrem de criar um código que regule o tráfego cerebral.

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